Michael Jackson (MJ) adalah seorang manusia yang sangat penyayang. Banyak hartanya yang telah dihabiskan dalam membantu dan menyokong gerakan-gerakan amal seperti Afrika Amerika, mangsa AIDS, mangsa dera kanak-kanak dan bermacam-macam lagi.
Walaupun dah berbuat pelbagai kebaikan, MJ masih gagal mencari ketenangan hati. Dia cumalah seorang budak yang terperangkap di dalam badan seorang lelaki. Impiannya adalah untuk menjadi budak kecil selama-lamanya. Impian ini ditambah pula dengan sejarahnya didera semasa kecil menyebabkan dia membina Neverland, tempat untuk seluruh kanak-kanak di dunia bermain dan gembira di situ.
Sila baca artikel ini sepenuhnya untuk membaca tentang konspirasi pembunuhan Michael Jackson.
Namun MJ telah membuat satu keputusan yang bakal memberikan impak yang sangat besar di dalam hidupnya. Melihat kehidupan dan ketenangan yang dimiliki oleh abangnya (Jermaine) setelah memeluk Islam, MJ telah membuat satu kenyataan gempar di satu press conference pada tahun 1989.
"Saya telah melihat Islam di dalam abang saya, saya telah membaca buku tentang Islam dan suatu hari nanti saya mahu rasakan ketenangan dan keamanan Islam itu".
Sejak kenyataan itu hidup MJ tidak sama seperti dahulu lagi. Dituduh berasmara dengan kanak-kanak, ditambah dengan pandangan-pandangan negatif daripada media Amerika Syarikat, membuatkan MJ berada di tahap tertekan. Semua ini dilakukan agar peminat-peminat MJ melihatnya sebagai satu ikon yang gagal seterusnya membuatkan influence MJ berkurangan.
Melarikan diri daripada tekanan pihak Media USA, MJ telah tinggal di England selama beberapa tahun. Di England, MJ berkawan rapat dengan Yusof Islam, Dari Yusof Islam, MJ belajar serba sedikit tentang Islam. Malah semasa di England, MJ telah berkawan rapat dengan seorang pencipta lagu, Zain Bhika yang telah menciptakan lagu "Give Thanks To Allah" khas untuk dinyanyikan oleh MJ bila-bila masa dia bersedia.
Semasa kes asmaranya dengan kanak-kanak dijalankan, MJ telah melarikan diri dan menetap di Bahrain . Di sana dia menjadi tetamu khas kepada anak Sultan Bahrain . Di sinilah MJ mula mendalami Islam. MJ belajar sembahyang, baca Al-Quran dan macam-macam lagi selama 3 tahun..
Akhirnya pada November 2008, MJ pulang ke Los Angeles dan membuat majlis memeluk Islam secara rasmi di rumah kawan karibnya. Pada December 2008, MJ telah pun pergi menunaikan haji bersama Sultan Bahrain dan anaknya.
Untuk konsert terakhirnya, MJ mempunyai agenda yang tersendiri. Dia memaklumkan yang ini adalah konsert terakhirnya dan berhasrat untuk mengumumkan yang dia adalah seorang Muslim. Malah MJ juga mahu menyanyikan lagu Give Thanks to Allah pada konsertnya tersebut bersama Yusof Islam. Sebab itulah MJ memilih London sebagai tempat konsert terakhirnya bukannya di USA kerana takutkan pihak berkuasa USA .
Pada 12.30 25 June, MJ memeluk managernya dan mengucapkan selamat malam. MJ berkata " Selepas berlatih selama 2 bulan akhirnya saya dah bersedia untuk konsert ini".. Selepas melambaikan tangan dan mengucapkan selamat malam, MJ pun pulang ke hotel. Tapi kira-kira jam 2.26 pagi, MJ didapat telah meninggal dunia..
Semasa 911 dihubungi, banyak soalan yang ditanya seolah-olah mereka tak tahu siapa itu MJ dan di mana MJ berada. Nampaknya ada pihak yang cuba melengahkan masa bantuan tiba.. Tambah pelik bila pihak hospital mengatakan hasil autopsy hanya boleh diperolehi selepas 2 bulan sedangkan teknologi sekarang dah bertambah canggih.
Oleh kerana itu, keluarga MJ telah pun mengupah private doktor untuk membuat autopsy kepada MJ. Keputusannya dikeluarkan hanya selepas 4 hari. Ternyata MJ mati kerana terlalu banyak dos anaethestic, satu ubat yang mampu membuatkan jantung berhenti berdenyuti jika diambil secara berlebihan.
Satu keputusan yang tidak diwar-warkan di media ialah perut MJ tidak mempunyai langsung ubat ini. Tapi darahnya dipenuhi dengan ubat tersebut. Malah badan MJ dipenuhi dengan kesan suntikan seolah-olah ada orang secara paksa menyuntik ubat tersebut ke dalam badan MJ.
Dalam CNN semasa diinterview, Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barrack Obama telah mengeluarkan satu kenyataan yang agak pelik.
"Saya suka MJ... Saya membesar mendengar lagunya. Ia satu kehilangan yang besar tapi saya jamin tiada konspirasi dalam kematiannya" .
Pelikkan kenapa seorang Presiden beria-beria cakap tiada konspirasi dalam kematian MJ sebelum keputusan rasmi autopsy MJ dikeluarkan? Kalau betullah MJ nak bunuh diri, buat apa dia beria-beria nak berlatih selama 2 bulan untuk konsert dia nie? Tak gitu?
Keluarga MJ inginkan MJ dikebumikan secara Islam. Tapi CIA telah muncul dan memberi ugutan jika pengebumian secara Islam dilakukan secara awan (dalam TV). Ugutannya ialah Katherine, mak MJ tidak akan mendapat hak penjagaan anak-anak MJ sebaliknya Debbie Rowe yang akan dapat.
Akhirnya mereka bersetuju untuk MJ dikebumikan secara Islam di Neverland. Tapi dengan syarat satu pengebumian olok-olok secara Kristian mesti diadakan. Itulah yang anda semua tengok di Tv. Sebab itulah keranda MJ ditutup dan tak dibukak. Sebab mayatnya tak pernah ada dalam tue. Ini semua dilakukan semata-mata nak bagitau dunia yang kononnya MJ bukan seorang Islam.
(Sheikh Ha**d)
The Brotherhood of Islam
Buletin of Bahrain
Mungkinkah Michael Jackson dibunuh untuk sekat Islam berkembang??
Demi anda semua, kami sanggup bersengkang mata untuk terjemahkan email yang kami terima ini. Tak tahu kebenaran tentang wujudnya konspirasi kematian Michael Jackson. Mungkin benar mungkin tidak. Hanya Dia yang tahu.
Konspirasi Kematian Michael Jackson
Posted by sandra | 6:18 AM | dead conspiration, michael Jackson | 0 comments »
Penting!!The Nam Jahanam( LINA JOY )
kehebatan peguam jahanam
Azlina Jailani telah menang di Mahkamah.
mereka tak akan menang kerana melawan Allah, mereka hanya menang sementara di dunia..
sapa yg lebih berkuasa....
sama-samalah kita berdoa agar kita, generasi kita dan semua Islam yg ada sekarang sentiasa dlm Agama Allah dan dilindungi Allah terpesong aqidah...amin
Pertubuhan Melayu Murtad telah diluluskan!!
persatuan Melayu Kristian telah SAH ditubuhkan di Malaysia !!
Injil telah dicetak & di edar....
IFC buat RoadshoW besar-besaran sokong kebebasan Beragama...
Bersedialah wahai saudara - saudari ku yang amat disayangi...
tolong sebarkan kepada yang cintakan AGAMA ALLAH
(Agama Islam).....
gambar Lina Joy ( belakang sekali ) & Para peguamnya
Baca sama-sama...
Dunia akhir zaman semakin menakutkan bila
berkait dgn soal akidah. Nak jadi apa dah ni??
Patut laa ada yang kata tak nak ada anak.
Bukan takut nak beranak, tapi takut
ada anak yang terpesong akidah.. baik tak de langsung!!
Mufti Perak, Datuk Harussani Zakaria bangkit dalam isu ini dengan
membuat kenyataan akhbar bahwa umat Islam wajib isytihar perang
terhadap pertubuhan IFC itu dan minta 50 ahli politik Islam yang menurunkan
signature sebagai menyokong penubuhan IFC itu bertaubat kepada Allah swt
kerana dibimbangi aqidah mereka sudah terbatal [3]. Datuk Harussani juga
minta kepada semua penceramah, semua ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar
kuliah-kuliah dan semua khatib-khatib, supaya jangan lupa cakap benda ni
dalam kuliah-kuliah dan di atas mimbar-mimbar Jumaat bahwa pertubuhan
IFC ini adalah musuh Islam di M`sia.
Tuan-tuan tau depa minta apa kat PM?...
Depa send memorandum kepada PM meminta 15 perkara berhubung
dengan Islam supaya dimasukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia .
1) Setiap anak yang baru dilahirkan di Malaysia jangan dikaitkan dengan
mana-mana agama sehinggalah anak itu berusia 18 tahun
- Tu dia tuan-tuan. Ini apa cerita ni? Maknanya, anak-anak kita langsung tidak boleh
dididikkan dengan cara Islam. Kita tak boleh bubuh nama Islam kat
anak-anak. Sampai umur 18 tahun, baru boleh duduk bincang di mahkamah,
tanya kat anak kita, 'Hang nak ikut ugama apa?'...Kalau dia kata nak
jadi hindu, maka jadi hindulah dia.. Kita tak boleh nak buat apa sebab dah
digazetkan dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
2) Di dalam dokumen pengenalan mykad dan passport dihapuskan kolum
identiti agama - maknanya, perkataan 'Islam' yang ada kat mykad kita itu,depa
minta di'tiada' kan .
3) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam kalau nak kahwin dengan orang Islam, dia
tidak perlu masuk Islam.
4) Mana-mana orang Islam yang nak kahwin dengan orang bukan Islam,
mestilah dia tukar agama kepada bukan Islam.
5) Sebagaimana kerajaan Malaysia menyalurkan dana kepada masjid-masjid,
begitu juga kerajaan Malaysia mesti menyalurkan dana kepada semua rumah
ibadat orang bukan Islam.
6) Peraturan sekolah yang mengizinkan anak orang Islam menutup aurat
hendaklah dimansuhkan, kerana ia menghina agama bukan Islam.
7) Hapuskan mahkamah syariah kerana ia juga menghina agama-agama lain -
mahkamah syariah kalau takdak, habih la kita tuan-tuan. Walaupun la ni
bukannya perfect, tapi itulah satu-satunya mahkamah yang defence agama
kita. Kalau mahkamah syariah disingkirkan, masalah faraid pusaka, masalah
nikah kahwin, cerai talak apa semua tu macamana?... Kalau tak dak mahkamah
syariah, maknanya, perkahwinan tidak akan berjalan di atas akad nikah,
sebaliknya, perkahwinan akan dibuat secara berdaftar
8) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam yang masuk Islam, semua hartanya
dikembalikan kepada waris yang tidak beragama Islam.
9) Mana-mana pasangan yang bukan Islam, apabila masuk Islam, maka hak
penjagaan anak tidak boleh diberikan kepada mereka.
10) Sebagaimana program-program di radio dan tv yang menerangkan tentang
ajaran Islam dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing, begitu juga
ajaran-ajaran lain daripada Islam juga perlu diberi ruang.
11) Sepertimana Quran, hendaklah kerajaan Malaysia turut mencetak bible
dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan di seluruh negara.
12) Apa istimewanya Islam sehingga ditabalkan sebagai agama rasmi di
Malaysia ? ...lagi 3 ana tak ingat, anta boleh refer dalam Majalah Millenium
Ini dia tuan-tuan, Islam diludah depan mata kita sendiri, so mana
sensitiviti kita terhadap agama kita sendiri?...Datuk Harussani tegur PM
dan 50 ahli politik Islam yang sokong pertubuhan tersebut supaya
dibatalkan pertubuhan itu. Tau 50 orang Islam tu kata apa?...Depa kata kat
Mufti Perak, 'Ni lah kalau dah terlalu tua jadi mufti, tak open minded
langsung!'.......Datuk Harussani balas dalam majalah 'Millenium Muslim',
katanya, 'Di atas sikap open-minded rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau lebih,
maka inilah hadiahnya!'....
Ini dia kata-kata seorang ulama di Malaysia . Yang lainnya sunyi sepi termasuklah akhbar-akhbar,
macam ada benda dalam mulut sampai tak boleh nak buka!
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------
Kata Al-Imam Ibn Kathir didalam tafsirnya: 'Sepertimana yang Tartar
berhukum dengan berteraskan sistem pemerintahan yang diambil daripada raja
mereka Genghiz Khan yang telah mencipta untuk mereka undang-undang Yasak
yang merupakan sebuah buku menghimpunkan hukum-hakam yang diambil
daripada syariat yang berbagai, iaitu Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam dan lain-lain..
Dalamnya juga banyak hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada fikiran dan hawa
nafsunya semata, lalu dijadikan undang-undang yang diikuti oleh anak
cucunya. Mereka mendahulukannya melebihi kitab Allah dan Sunnah
Rasulullah, sesiapa yang berbuat demkian maka dia adalah kafir dan wajib diperangi
sehingga dia kembali kepada hukum Allah dan Rasulnya dan tidak berhukum
selain daripadanya dalam perkara kecil ataupun besar (rujukan tafsir
al-Quran al-'Azim oleh al-Imam Ibn Kathir jld. 2, m.s. 70. Cetakan Beirut)
Allahua`ala `alam.
Alright Ladies And Hostile Men, Were Gonna Learn How To Disable The Timer On The Computers On In Internet Cafe's.
Alright Create A New Text Document, Than Type CMD In It, And Than Save It As a Batch File, And Than Run The New Batch File On Your Desktop.
Than Command Prompt Should Open, Now You Type "cd\windows" to change the directory to
Windows, than type in "regedit" to get to the registry editor gui, than navigate to
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Appevents>software>classes> micr osoft>windows>current version>internet settings>policies>system" than on the right pane where it says Disable Taskmanager, right click on it, and scroll down to modify, and than change the value of it to "0", and than open Windows Task Manager
By Holding Down These Keys, "CTRL+ALT+DEL/DELETE" And Than Disable The Internet Cafe's Timer,
Shahrukh Khan Murtad Dan Boleh Dibunuh! - Mufti India
Posted by sandra | 5:13 AM | shah rukh khan | 0 comments »Datuk yang menerima gelarannya dari kerajaan negeri Melaka ini difatwakan murtad!
Sebuah madrasah agama Islam di India telah mengkritik dan mengeluarkan fatwa terhadap bintang Bollywood terkenal Shahrukh Khank kerana kenyataannya yang menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad.
Sebelumnya Shahrukh Khan yang banyak digilai para peminat wanita ini dalam sebuah wawancara di sebuah majalah mengatakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan salah seorang tokoh yang paling tidak berpengaruh sepanjang sejarah dunia, malah tidak setanding dengan populariti Adolf Hitler dan Winston Churchill.
"Seseorang yang membuat ucapan seperti Shahkhrukh Khan itu adalah kafir dan keluar dari Islam," kata fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Mufti Muhammad Shoib Raza Qadri dan Mufti Mutiur Rahman dari Madraasah Darul Ulum Mazharil Islam., India.
"Dalam sebuah negara Islam, seseorang yang membuat komentar seperti itu harus mempertanggung jawabkan kenyataanya dengan dibunuh. Pernikahan Shahrukh Khan juga tidak sah dan status keIslamannya menjadi batal dan jatuh kafir serta dia tidak boleh dikebumikan dalam tanah perkuburan kaum Muslimin. Orang seperti itu harus segara bertaubat dan meminta maaf untuk kembali ke dalam Islam," kata fatwa tersebut.Shahrukh Khan dengan tegas menolak komen yang diberikannya di majalah itu dengan menyatakan majalah tersebut tersalah tulis apa yang diucapkannya.Shahrukh Khan sendiri meskipun beragama Islam namun dirinya beristeri seorang penganut agama Hindu.
budak2 yg lahir pd thn 85-90an mesti ingat
mase skola rendah dulu:
- kat skola ade salesman jual buku
ari ni bg list, esok mintak duit
beli walaupun cerita buku tu dah tau.
salesman susu pon camtu gak.
- kat library, budak2 mmg baca buku tp
just tengok gamba je.
bile ade program
Nilam, sebok semua nak pinjam buku.
- RMT kat skola mkn x best, tp yg
berduit pon join RMT, x phm....
- pakai pensel box yg bole bukak dpn
blkg, pastu ade sharpener kat tgh2 die.
- main lwn pemadam, syg nak guna utk
padahal itu fungsi sbnr, utk padam!
- pakai pembaris yg bergerigi, kat dlm
ade air pastu ade bende berkilat dlm air tu.
- cikgu pakai pembaris kuning pjg.
pemegang kat tgh2 tp x penah nmpk cikgu
pgg pon kat situ.
- bulu ayam jd ramping krn sering
dijadikan rotan.
- time pendidikan seni, lukis sume boleh
tp bile time kaler sume hampeh.
ade gak
buat anyaman pakai kertas warna, kolaj
la, ape la...
- main game 2D.
super contra, super
mario, street fighter, sume pakai tape.
- jam tgn Boy London jd idaman, sbb bole
tuka2 kaler ikut suhu n cuaca.
- takut BCG tp lepas inject poyo la pulak...
- balik skola beli JoJo xpon Dendang.
Tora pon best gak.
Beli se mata2 nak
mainan, coklat die x mkn pon.
- Kasut berlampu kat tapak, yg iklan die
kat tV bole tembak alien tu...
- Siri kartun; power rangers, ultraman,
transformers, ninja turtles,
Thundercats, maskman, Gaban dan mcm lg.
jgn lupe sume ni sbb zaman skrg budak2 x
smpt lyn bende2 ni.
kite akan sentiasa
berubah, cume asal-usul kite yg
ni la baru zaman kita kawan2
pas r kt member2 korang....
mesti diorg tersengeh2 bace mende nih...
Stallone atau lebih dikenali sebagai Sly di awal usia mudanya bercita-cita untuk menjadi pelakon Hollywood. Untuk menjadi pelakon, ia tidak semudah seperti yang disangkakan. Pelbagai rintangan dan halangan yang terpaksa beliau tempuhi.
Beliau pernah diherdik "Kau ni muka dah la tak hensem, orang tak nak tengokla pelakon yang bercakap dengan mulut yang senget" (ni saya terjemah ikut gaya bahasa saya sendiri )
Akan tetapi, kata-kata itu tidak mematahkan semangat beliau untuk terus berusaha...
Keinginan Yang Membara Membolehkan Anda Terus Fokus...
Sly mempunyai keinginan yang membara untuk berkecimpung dalam industri perfileman. Tolakan demi tolakan yang beliau terima tidak mematahkan semangat beliau. Seterusnya, beliau mengubah cara dan mencuba lagi. Isteri beliau memaksanya untuk mencari pekerjaan kerana mereka sekeluarga kelaparan dan tidak cukup wang untuk membeli makanan dan memanaskan badan. Beliau masih berdegil dan tidak putus asa. Sly tidak mahu mencari kerja kerana beliau takut terperangkap dengan kitaran hidup manusia biasa. Sly mahu mengejar cita-cita yang beliau impikan sejak kecil lagi. Beliau tidak mahu melakukan sesuatu yang membawanya tesimpang dari matlamat untuk menjadi bintang terkenal. Beliau percaya akan hasilnya dan tahu matlamatnya sendiri; beliau hanya perlu mencari jalan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat. Sly kerap mencari dan mencuba pelbagai cara.
Suatu hari beliau pergi ke perpustakaan untuk memanaskan badan sambil membaca sajak Edgar Allan Poe. Setelah membacanya, Sly dapat melihat sesuatu dengan pandangan yang berbeza sekali. Beliau berkata dengan membaca sajak tersebut, beliau dapat mencari jalan yang baru untuk mencapai matlamatnya. Beliau terus mengekalkan keinginannya yang membara.
Sly cuba untuk menjadi penulis skrip tetapi setiap skripnya ditolak...
Sly Menjual Rakan Baiknya...
Akhirnya, satu krip beliau terjual, "Paradise Alley" dengan harga $100. Wang tersebut tidak kekal lama. Beliau jatuh miskin. Pernah beliau mejual barang kemas isterinya (jangan ikut perangai ni). Beliau begitu terdesak sehinggakan beliau sanggup menjual anjing peliharaannya; iaitu rakan baiknya. Beliau cuba menjual dengan harga $50 tetapi tiada siapa yang ingin membeli. Beliau mengubah cara menjual dan akhirnya menjual anjing tersebut kepada seseorang yang tidak dikenali dengan harga $25. Ini adalah titik kejatuhan paling teruk dalam hidup beliau.
Suatu malam beliau menonton perlawanan tinju di antara Muhammad Ali dan Wepner di telivisyen. Wepner teruk dikerjakan Muhammad Ali tetapi Wepner tidak berputus asa dan tetap melawan. Sly secara automatik mendapat idea untuk filemnya Rocky. Beliau terus mula menulis skrip selama 20 jam tanpa henti dan akhirnya skrip tersebut berjaya dihasilkan. Akan tetapi, skrip tersebut tidak berjaya dijual.
Sly Mahu Untuk Membintangi Filem...
Setelah beberapa kali skrip beliau ditolak, ada seorang yang percaya dengan skrip tersebut dan menawarkan $125,000. Sly akan menjual skrip tersebut jika beliau menjadi pelakon utama dalam filem itu. Beliau diberitahu yang beliau bukan calon yang sesuai dan tidak dikenali. Sly menolak tawaran tersebut walaupun beliau dan keluarga memerlukan wang.
Beberapa tawaran yang beliau terima sehingga pada satu masa beliau ditawarkan $325,000 untuk skrip tersebut tetapi beliau tolak kerana beliau tidak ditawarkan untuk menjadi pelakon utama. Skrip tersebut akhirnya dijual pada harga $35,000 dengan Sly ditawarkan untuk berlakon sama. Dari situ bermulalah perjalanan hidup beliau sebagai seorang seniman.
Apa Yang Anda Dapat Pelajari Dari Kisah Hidup Sly?
* Sly mempunyai keinginan yang membara. Beliau tahu akan hasilnya, matlamatnya, melakukan tindakan dan tetap fokus. Ini amat diperlukan oleh seseorang yang inginkan kejayaan dalam setiap yang mereka mulakan.
* Sly tidak takut untuk mengubah cara/teknik/jalan untuk mencapai matlamat beliau. Beliau mencuba dengan kerap sekali. Cuba ubah teknik/cara sesuatu yang anda lakukan jika hasil yang anda dapat bukan seperti yang anda inginkan.
* Sly membakar semua jambatan atau jalan yang lain. Beliau tidak mahu untuk mengambil jalan lain yang tidak membawa beliau kepada tercapainya matlamat yang diimpikan. Kadangkala, untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat anda perlu lupakan jalan yang tidak membawa kepada kejayaan. Sentiasa FOKUS pada matlamat anda!
* Sly melakukan pengorbanan. Walaupun beliau jatuh miskin, pernah ditawarkan $325,000 untuk skrip beliau dan tidak ditawarkan untuk berlakon dalam filem tersebut, beliau tetap menolak tawaran itu. Untuk mencapai hasil atau keputusan yang diinginkan, kadangkala anda perlu lakukan pengorbanan. Jika terdapat jalan yang mudah, ia nampak bagus pada masa itu tetapi ia tidak akan membawa anda kepada matlamat yang anda impikan selama ini.
Ya, untuk berjaya anda perlu ada keinginan yang sentiasa membara, tidak takut untuk berubah jalan, lupakan jalan yang tidak membawa ke arah kejayaan, dan membuat pengorbanan jika perlu.
Saya berharap kisah ini dapat menaikkan semangat anda bukan sahaja untuk mencapai matlamat dan keinginan, tetapi untuk menunjukkan kepada anda bahawa tidak ada perkara yang mustahil untuk berjaya dalam apa jua...Sly pun boleh berjaya, apa lagi kita?
Salam hormat;
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2. Langkah mudah tukar sampah jadi duit - cara buat duit dengan barang2 rosak
3. 3 Cara Buat Duit Dengan Blog - dengan blog pun boleh buat duit? Tak pecaya?, Bacalah !!!
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Saya rasa itu je kot. Tak nak ulas panjang-panjang, anda nilai lah sendiri :D
Chow !!
Great PLR content for nothing is a reality after all
Posted by sandra | 4:05 PM | product | 1 comments »I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. I used to think that it was only for lazy people who didn't want to do their own writing. But as I learn more, I've come up with lots of great ways I can use PLR in my own business.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, PLR is content that you get from the original author along with their permission to use it as your own. So you can get a great report, put your name on it and have your own product to sell or give away!
When searching for PLR content to use, I found there were a lot of different types of sites available. Some offered monthly memberships and others offered just one time purchases. So be sure to look around before you decide where to buy.
The site I found that was by far the best was PLRWholesaler. Not only do they have an unbelievable amount of content, but it's completely FREE. Most sites charge an arm and a leg for the amount of content that this guy is giving away.
And although I haven't been through everything yet, what I have read is very good quality. It's stuff you would actually want to use as your own.
Since it's free, I highly recommend that you check out PLRWholesaler and see if they have anything that you can use in your business. There just may be an ebook or audio recording that you could quickly brand with your information and start selling to your list.
Check it out and let me know what you think...
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Blogs can be for profit or non-profit but most
bloggers blog for the purpose of making money. There
may be some contents published to simply provide an
outlet for voicing out the bloggers’ opinions and
share their thoughts. However, the general population
of bloggers has the intention of profiting
financially. Fortunately, there are several methods of
profiting from a blog and applying these methods can
help you gain money.
The Advertisements
Selling space for advertisers is one of the most
common ways to profit from a blog. Since blogs that
have a considerable amount of traffic can make income
with ad sales, make sure that you have a target
audience. The reason why bloggers choose to sell
advertising is that it is a passive form of income
once the traffic has progressed. Although it takes
work to look for advertisers and maintain the ads on
the blog, those who can achieve it can gain reasonable
amount of money with the ads.
Compared to other forms of profiting from a blog,
selling advertisement space can be one of the most
consistent revenue streams. If you are able to
maintain your ad slots filled, you should have a very
good idea of just how much you can make every month.
On the negative side, selling ads requires you to have
some kind of established traffic. Traffic is important
because it draws interest from potential advertisers.
You might find it hard to sell an ad space without
traffic and it will most likely not produce much
revenue. Additionally, the blog must have a target
audience in order to achieve the maximum amount of
cash for advertisement space. Remember that
advertisers are more likely to pay if your target
audience is a match to theirs.
Affiliate programs are also a major resource of
profits for several bloggers. Affiliate programs are
excellent in a sense that they enable you to have the
opportunity to make money even if your blog has a
small audience. However, one bad side to affiliate
programs is that there can be instances where you
cannot make any money at all.
Newly created blogs feature affiliate ads most of the
time compared to selling space directly to
advertisers. Since selling ads is hard to do without
much traffic, affiliate programs are perfect for new
blogs. More so, they can be easily maintained and only
take very little time.
Promoting and Premium Content
Bloggers who are service providers at the same time
have an excellent opportunity to look for clients and
increase their rates. Maintaining a blog that focuses
on your area of expertise can help you easily become a
recognized authority in your field. Additionally, it
can aid potential clients to find you. You can also
benefit from the increase in demand of your services
and improved reputation that you build, which enable
you to charge more for your services.
Aside from promoting your services, selling premium
contents are also excellent ways to profit from a
blog. Blogs are a massive source of information and
remember that not everything has to be free. There are
bloggers and business that attained success by selling
some of their work. There are blogs that sell
memberships on their Web sites. Although selling
premium content is possible in any field, you must
have the capability to give something to the reader
that is worth paying for.
The basics of blogging cover all the basic essentials,
including your writing style, blog category and the
content of your blog. Planning your blog can be
difficult if you do not know what you want to talk
about. It could be extra hard if you do not have the
necessary background in blogging. However, knowing
what you want to blog about can easily come to you
once you start browsing and poking around other blogs.
You can pick ideas from those blogs, expound and make
them the basis of your blog.
The Blogging Categories
Generally, there are several types of blogs.
Nevertheless, there are three popular categories of
blogs, such as: the organizational, business and
personal blogs.
The first category, the organization, uses the power
of blogs to communicate either externally with the
public or internally within their organizations. This
kind of blog has the purpose of facilitation internal
communications amongst employees, colleagues and other
organizational personnel. In addition, organizational
blogs normally publish information that is of interest
by the public. In a certain instance, there are
organizational blogs that publish seminar schedules,
meetings, and announcements for their clients,
customers or members.
The business blogs, on the other hand, are for
promoting services or products offered by businesses
in order to help increase profits, revenue and
interest of potential consumers. These kinds of blogs
can look for ways to increase their reputation and
authority with vendors, customers and partners. They
do this by publishing contents that express expertise
and knowledge within a specific market portion, niche
or industry.
The personal blogs are those that contain contents
that are more of a reflection of bloggers’ opinions
and thoughts. Normally, they are used to publish
articles that voice their points of view on several
kinds and varieties of events and topics. Bloggers who
publish personal contents usually find pleasure in
documenting their everyday lives, stream of
consciousness and even their hate to specific events
through articles that reflects their moods.
The Target Audience
Your target audience and blogging style comes hand in
hand. The moment you think of creating your own blog,
you must first realize what your target audience is;
you must know what they want, need and desire to read
about. The blog you create and the contents you
publish must provide quality and value to the readers
in order to be effective in establishing communication
and expanding readership.
More so, the kind of blog you want to create
essentially creates its own target audience. For
instance, an organizational blog is meant for those
who are members or clients of a certain organization.
Although the target audience may be limited, there is
a good chance for consistency with regards to the
dialogue you create with your readers and eventually
more people would be interested in your blog.
The mentioned personal blogs are not normally designed
for social dialogue with a certain target readership
of any category and is rather meant to serve as a
collection of your musings. These kinds of blogs are
best reserved to your close friends and they are your
target audience.
If you identify your target audience successfully,
your messages that you want everyone to know about
will be effectively targeted. Some of the greatest
joys of blogging come from the use of your enthusiasm
in publishing signification information for a
community where there is a free exchange of opinions
between the readers and you.
With the advent of internet marketing, Web publishing
is continually gaining ground and popularity.
Nowadays, technologically savvy corporate businessmen,
or even business employees, use blogs to build and
manage relationships with their consumers. They share
their company’s expertise, culture and other
information, which can help develop the customer’s
interest in their products and services.
On the other hand, not only do businessmen venture in
the world of blogging but regular computer users too.
Not only can they voice out their opinions and
thoughts to others but also earn money in more ways
than one; from selling ad space to offering expert
services, which in turn builds their reputation as a
If you are thinking of entering the blogsphere, you
must be ready of the problems you might encounter in
several areas of blogging, such as: choosing,
installing and configuring your blog software tools.
Although the collection and assortment of
configurations vary widely, a neophyte blogger can
still get confused. The tools are not the only
obstacles you must overcome but also the terminologies
used for blogging.
Tools for Blogging
Basically, the software tools for your blog greatly
depend on your provider. For instance, the RSS
functionality can be absent from one provider but
present in another. Additionally, some blog software
tool providers can cost as low as $4 each month
depending on the extent of service you choose, while
others can be used for free but with limited services.
Choosing the right software tool depends on you. If
you have enough cash to spare for a blog or if you
want to really get serious with a blog and hope to
earn cash in the future, which is always a
possibility, you have the option of choosing priced
blog software tools. However, if you are a newbie
blogger, it might be advisable to start with free blog
software tool providers.
Fortunately, some providers that charge for their
services also offer free trial periods, which range
from 10 to 30 days. This is an excellent opportunity
to try and test out the services they offer without
paying any fee. Luckily, if you find a provider that
you are comfortable with and offer the services you
need, you can always use their free trial periods to
the full extent before subscribing.
Blogging Terminologies
Blogging is like a secret society and like most secret
societies; it has its own language that you must
learn. Although, technologically savvy individuals an
easily familiarize themselves with these terms, it
might be hard for those who have limited or no
background with Web publishing whatsoever.
Firstly, the most important term in blogging is Post.
A post happens every time you place or publish an
update to your blog; you also create a post this way.
Secondly, since blogs are a means of communication,
comments are also possible. If your audience leaves a
message regarding your published content, this message
is referred to as a comment. Normally, the comments
are labeled and time-stamped to allow you and other
readers to see who posted the comment and when it was
Comment spams, is also a term that happen when a
single reader continuously repeats the same comment
over and over again. This can be a headache for the
blogger as the blog can be used by the reader to
promote other blogs or Web site.
These are just some of the few terms that you can
encounter in blogging. Only exploration and experience
can help you understand the other terminologies
involved in blogging.
The content of your blog is an important factor in
gaining traffic and acquiring a target audience.
Publishing your first article or item is a great
milestone in your blogging career. Fortunately, there
are several basic guidelines, which can make your
content more effective to your audience, adored by the
search engines and respected by the world of blogging.
Publishing an Effective Content
Before you begin to write anything on your blog, you
should know who your target audience is and what they
want. If you see these factors as irrelevant for your
blog because your blog is not business oriented in any
way, you must remember that if you want readers then
these factors are really relevant.
Always remember that where there are readers there is
something interesting to read. The only reason why
people read is because they want something. If you
really want to achieve some kind of massive
readership, you must strive to make your content
interesting and actually what readers want.
First of all, keep in mind that communication is the
key. More so, your communication must be authentic.
The time when you publish your content is also the
time when you let your true self surface. Blogs are
personal in nature and communication is the key to
being personal. The fact that each blog is unique
because each writer is unique is enough for you to not
to worry about future similarities with other blog
entries. Keep in mind that whatever topic you are
blogging about you must incorporate your personality
with your writing.
In order to create a loyal target audience, it is
important for the visitors to trust you and relate to
you. It does not necessarily entail that they know
about your personal details but you must connect with
your audience in an authentic manner.
After establishing your communication with your
audience, the content must also be credible. The blog
must have authenticity even though credibility takes a
lot of time to build.
The moment you begin publishing your content, which is
of high value and useful to the readers, you also
start establishing your authority. There will come a
time when your readers ask you for advice or seek for
your opinion; this is the time when you have achieved
some kind of credibility and you must use this to
build your reputation as a blogger.
The Blogger’s Block
Blogging is writing but uses a different medium. There
are several methods to fight blogger’s block. Always
remember that your blog software exists to serve you
and not to frighten you. You do not have to try
blogging carrying the idea that you have prolific
writing skills, or a journalism degree. The fact is
that you have something to say and you want others to
hear it. However, if you are feeling stuck on an idea,
there are several suggestions that you can apply when
creating the content for your blog.
Firstly, you can try visiting other blogs. Visit those
blogs that interest you and pick ideas and topics from
those blogs that might be worth blogging about but
keep in mind the relevance of the topic and your
readership. You can also syndicate your news updates.
You can do this by subscribing to news services online
because they allow you to save time on searching using
keywords. This is most useful for bloggers.
Many people are getting into blogging for several
reasons. You might have heard it somewhere recently
but it actually started more than a decade ago from
its mother, the online diary. Back then, these kinds
of diaries are used by people to record and share
accounts of their personal lives. Although blogging
still uses that same concept, it has now evolved into
several categories and usage.
Nowadays, blogging is synonymous to online marketing.
Bloggers not only publish contents reflecting their
moods for the day or sharing what they have done for
the past few weeks but also advertise and create a
sturdy communication with their audience. More so,
through the use of blogging, people are now able to
find an alternative in making money. Blogging is an
excellent opportunity for generating income.
The Blog
Before you even start to create you own blog. It is
necessary to know what blog really is. The term blog
is actually derived from the word Weblog or Web log.
Back in the days, around the late 1990’s, these Web
logs are utilized by users to track updates and
references to other resources online. They served as
journals, which made them useful as a publishing tool
for the user’s stream of consciousness. Of course, the
readers can still comment and share their thoughts on
just abut anything under the sun.
Technically, blogs are also known as CMS or Content
Management Systems. Being a CMS, blogs allow the
writers to easily publish to a specific Web site and
manage the content without the need of having to deal
with the program code. Publishing software also
provides users with a GUI or Graphical User Interface
for easy pointing and clicking of their articles.
Through the use of easy-to-do procedures, you can
perform configuration and set up, which can ease your
job as a blogger since the tool can automatically
organize your published articles the next time you
The Advantage of Blogging
The main question is; why should you start blogging?
The first thing you need to know is that blogging can
enhance and support your online communications.
However, you must first understand the outcome of your
blog that you desire in order to attain success. The
main reason why you should start blogging, is that it
can be both an excellent outlet for your frustrations
or excitement and profitable at the same time.
It does not mean that if you are not into blogging,
you should not blog. Being in a business, especially
those with dealings on the Internet, requires you to
establish a clientele that are actually interested
with your services. Blogs can do this easily due to
its accessibility and being an excellent medium for
marketing that it is, blogs are essential for
More so, if you are handling a business, there is good
chance that your competition is blogging about their
products and services. This is an easy method for you
to examine the competition and what their clients’
preferences are. Additionally, blogs can create strong
customer relationships since your target market can
easily and directly communicate with the authority
within your business.
This kind of opportunity is hard to resist since a
strong customer relationship can eventually lead to
lasting trust to your product and services; hence,
eventual increase in your revenue.